Golden Oud, Blue Oud & Vanilla Oud
Golden Oud (6ML)-
The Golden Oud fragrance is a true masterpiece, designed to captivate the senses with its softest, richest, and most sensual aroma. Crafted with the finest quality Oud, this premium fragrance is a symphony of exquisite notes that will leave a lasting impression.
Key Ingredients - turkish rose, damask rose
Blue Oud (6 ML)-
Blue Oud, a fragrance that seamlessly blends woody undertones with hints of floral elegance. A fragrance transcends time with its modern charm and timeless elegance. Let the refreshing notes of citrus and aquatic accords at the top awaken your senses, while the exotic florals and spicy undertones at the heart create an atmosphere of warmth and invitation. Sets the mood for relaxation.
Key Ingredients- Lavender, Patchouli, Woody notes, Bergamot
A blend of Aromatic notes calming the environment.
Vanilla Oud (6ML)-
This luxurious scent is made with 100% pure and organic ingredients, making it gentle and nourishing for your skin. The sweet and comforting aroma of vanilla combined with the woody, earthy notes of oud creates a scent that is both comforting and grounding.
Our Vanilla Oud perfume oil is easy to apply, absorbs quickly, and provides a long-lasting scent that will leave you feeling confident and radiant all day.
Key Ingredients- Vanilla Flower extracts, sandalwood, cedarwood.
This has been carefully formulated for the best consumer experience and it contains ingredients of Natural Origin.
- Paraben-Free
- Alcohol-Free
- No Harmful Chemical
- Perfect for all seasons
- Long Lasting Fragrance
- Safe to use on skin
- Best for clothes and religious purposes